Do It Now!

"All the colors I am inside

Have not been invented yet."

- Shel Silverstein - "Where the Sidewalk Ends

I have driven by this weathered billboard on a busy street in St. Augustine more times than I care to mention. On each occasion, I would remind myself to stop the next time because today I am in a hurry, the weather is uncooperative, the light isn't right, there's too much traffic, etc. I will do it some day.

About three weeks ago, I noticed the sign had been wrapped in vinyl advertising a business in the area. I experienced an "Awww s**t!" moment. The ad company decided to use their billboard to make money and didn't notify me. Just another example of out of control capitalism crushing the arts community.

This morning when I drove by the billboard the vinyl wrap was gone. I executed a turn that would make Batman proud and yelled an apology out the window to the drivers behind me who were startled at my sudden maneuver. As I stood before the sign I wondered why I had taken so long to stop. It was in a state of splendid decay. There were at least seven layers of paint showing through in some areas. Every viewing angle produced something interesting. I spent 40 minutes there and it would been easy to stay longer. To get the full benefit of the image, I encourage you to view it on a larger monitor.

I've lived long enough to not expect second chances...and I'm really happy that I got this one.
